2013 Workshop Agenda and Presentations

2013 HyspIRI Science Workshop
NASA Decadal Survey Mission
15 - 17 October 2013
Beckman Institute Auditorium (BIA)
California Institute of Technology
1200 E California Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91125.
Tuesday, 15 Oct 2013
8:00 AM Registration Opens
9:00 AM Welcome and Objectives of HyspIRI Science Workshop - Robert Green, Woody Turner, John LaBrecque PDF File
9:20 AM Review of the HyspIRI Concept Activities in the Past Year - Robert Green, Simon Hook and Elizabeth Middleton PDF File
9:40 AM Review of the HyspIRI White paper - Simon Hook PDF File
10:00 AM Spectrometer-Related Hyperion Papers included in the 2013 IEEE/JSTARS EO-1 Special Issue - Steve Ungar, Elizabeth Middleton PDF File
10:20 AM Break and Picture
10:40 AM A VSWIR technology and science demonstration concept for the ISS - Robert O. Green PDF File
11:00 AM A TIR technology and science demonstration concept for the ISS - Simon Hook PDF File
11:20 AM ESTO Investments in Support of the HyspIRI Mission Concept - Charles Norton PDF File
11:40 AM Determining Global Radiation Balance Measurements for Assessing Climate Change (Synergies among HyspIRI, CLARREO, and TRUTHS) - Steve Ungar PDF File
12:00 PM Lunch
1:20 PM HyspIRI Intelligent Payload Module Operations - Steve Chien PDF File
1:40 PM Near Realtime Processing of Imaging Spectrometer Data with the Intelligent Payload Module - Steve Ungar, Dan Mandl
2:00 PM The HyspIRI Preparatory Campaign Level 2 Reflectance Products -David Thompson PDF File
2:20 PM Mapping of Soil Properties Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing - Debsuder Dutta
2:40 PM The HyspIRI Preparatory Campaign Level 2 Temperature and Emissivity Products - Glynn Hulley PDF File
3:00 PM Break
3:20 PM Threshold considerations for future volcanic hotspot and ash detection using HyspIRI - Mike Ramsey PDF File
3:40 PM Mapping Gas Emissions with the Hyperspectral Thermal Emission Spectrometer - Glynn Hulley PDF File
4:00 PM Thermal flux from global volcanoes as a baseline for future hyspiri type measurements - Robert Wright PDF File
4:20 PM Community Input on Coastal and Inland Water HyspIRI Data Products - Kevin Turpie PDF File
4:40 PM Validation of ASTER-Based Maps of Volcanic Sulfur Dioxide Plumes: A Preparatory Activity for the HyspIRI TIR Mission - Vince Realmuto PDF File
5:00 PM Discussion HyspIRI on Separate Platforms - Woody Turner, Robert Green, Simon Hook and Elizabeth Middleton
5:20 PM Close
6:00 PM HyspIRI Preparatory Airborne Campaign Meeting - Robert Green, Simon Hook and Team
Wednesday, 16 Oct 2013
9:00 AM Sustainable Land Imaging Architecture Sutdy - Simon Hook and Robert Green PDF File
9:20 AM Review of the HyspIRI Preparatory Airborne Campaign - Ian McCubbin, Robert Green PDF File
9:40 AM An assessment of regional changes in atmospheric scattering and water vapor across a strong environmental-elevational gradient: First assessment of the Soda Straw - Dar Roberts PDF File
10:00 AM Scaling, propagating and mapping uncertainty in spectroscopy-derived foliar traits from the leaf to the image - Shawn Serbin PDF File
10:20 AM Break
10:40 AM Linking Seasonal Foliar Chemistry to VSWIR-TIR Spectroscopy across California ecosystems - Susan Meerdink PDF File
11:00 AM Investigating the impact of spatially-explicit sub-pixel structural variation on the assessment of vegetation structure from imaging spectroscopy data - Wei Yoa PDF File
11:20 AM A Citrus Census, with Discriminative Representations for Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis - David Thompson PDF File
11:40 AM Spectral Imaging of Coral Reefs: Inversion, Classification, and Modeling Ecosystem Function - Eric Hochberg PDF File
12:00 PM Creating HyspIRI-like data using AVIRIS imagery acquired during the HyspIRI airborne campaign - Phil Dennison PDF File
12:20 PM Lunch
Must vacate the room
1:40 PM Poster Session
Must vacate the room
2:00 PM Poster Session
Must vacate the room
2:20 PM Poster Session
Must vacate the room
2:40 PM Poster Session
Must vacate the room
3:00 PM Break
3:20 PM Optical detection of season length and photosynthetic activity in evergreens - John Gamon PDF File
3:40 PM AVIRIS C and AVIRIS-NG VSWIR status - Robert Green PDF File
4:00 PM Spectroscopic Analysis of Temporal Changes in Leaf Moisture and Dry Matter Content - Yi Qi PDF File
4:20 PM Mapping of vegetation alliances in Northern California with simulated HyspIRI images - Matt Clark PDF File
4:40 PM Observing canopy Demography of a tropical moist forest with spectral unmixing of hyperspectral images:  a model HyspIRI science application - Jin Wu, Alfredo Huete, and Scott Saleska PDF File
5:00 PM Close
7:00 PM Plume Tracer demonstration - Vince Realmuto and team
Thursday, 17 Oct 2013
9:00 AM 30 years of Science Applications with VSWIR spectroscopy Measurements - Robert Green
9:20 AM Energy and Mineral Resources: Surface composition mapping that identifies resources and the impacts associated with their development.- Wendy Calvin PDF File
9:40 AM The NEON 2013 Airborne Campaign at Domain 17 Terrestrial and Aquatic Sites in California - John Musinsky PDF File
10:00 AM RIM Fire Update - Sander Veraverbeke PDF File
10:20 AM Break
10:40 AM Temporal analysis of thermal variation on volcanic active areas by means of ASTER data: results for Etna and Campi Flegrei, Italy - Fabrizia Buongiorno PDF File
11:00 AM Spectral analysis of biomass burning potassium emission signatures from current airborne to next generation hyperspectral missions - Stefania Amici PDF File
11:20 AM The Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program (EnMAP) – Present status and science activities - Saskia Foerster PDF File
11:40 PM The University of Alaska Fairbanks Hyperspectral Imaging Laboratory (UAF HyLab): building capacity for airborne imaging spectroscopy in support of Alaskan and Arctic science and applications, and Hysp - Anupma Prakash PDF File
12:00 PM Lunch
1:20 PM Volcanic CO2 emissions measured in target mode using GOSAT - Florian Schwandner
1:40 PM Back to the Future - Incorporating HyspIRI-like VSWIR on a Smallsat - Steve Ungar PDF File
2:00 PM Realtime cloud screening with AVIRIS-NG - David Thompson PDF File
2:20 PM Characterizing land surface energy budget under varying climatic conditions from the AVIRIS and MASTER data - Dongdong Wang PDF File
2:40 PM Break
3:00 PM HyspIRI and the Land-Atmosphere Water Flux - Glynn Hulley PDF File
3:20 PM Testing the expected performance of the HyspIRI-TIR with the Prototype HyspIRI Thermal Infrared Radiometer (PHyTIR) - Marc Foote PDF File
3:40 PM Discussion HyspIRI on separate platforms - Woody Turner, Robert Green, Simon Hook and Elizabeth Middleton
4:00 PM Review of HyspIRI requirments - Simon Hook, Robert Green and Elizabeth Middleton
4:40 PM Planning for future meetings - Woody Turner, Robert Green, Simon Hook and Elizabeth Middleton
5:00 PM Close
POSTERS Wednesday 1:40 to 3:00 pm. Poster may be up during the full workshop
Towards a hybrid vegetation map for local conservation planning - Hannes Feihauer
The Hyperspectral Infrared Imager (HyspIRI) Public Health & Air Quality Applications - Jeffrey Luvall
Potential of HyspIRI/TIR emissivity spectra for snow/ice monitoring - Masayuki Miyazaki PDF File
Observation Coverage Simulation and Improvement of Plan For A Japanese Spaceborne Sensor: Hyperspectral Imager Suite (HISUI) - Kenta Ogawa
NIR-red Algorithms for Estimating Chlorophyll Concentration in Coastal Waters - Results from HICO & MERIS - Wesley Moses
Methane and Carbon Dioxide Plume Transit by Scientifically Converted Vehicles in Support of Airborne and Satellite Remote Sensing Source Strength Derivation - Ira Leifer PDF File
Measurement of ecosystem metabolism across climatic and vegetation gradients in California - Shawn Serbin
Los Angeles Sea-Breeze Thermal Response Field Studies - Pedro Sequera
Land surface shortwave radiation budget estimation from air-borne hyperspectral data - Dongdong Wang, Tao He PDF File
Integration of Remote Sensing Socioeconomic Data - Alex De Sherbinin PDF File
Contribution of the SWIR band of multisensor data for monitoring climate change in preparation for HyspIRI data - Sima Bagheri
Climate Sensitivity to Water Tampering an Optical to Infrared Conversion of Terrestrial Botanical Materials due to Front and Back Loading of Land-Use Activities - Sam Nwaneri PDF File
Applications of Future NASA Decadal Missions for Observing Earth's Land & Water Processes - Jeffrey Luvall
A New GPU-Enabled MODTRAN Thermal Model for the PLUME TRACKER Volcanic Emission Analysis Toolkit - Alexander Berk PDF File
Prototype HyspIRI Thermal Infrared Radiometer (PHyTIR): status and test plan - William Johnson PDF File
The Hyperspectral Thermal Emission Spectrometer's (HyTES) first science deployment - William Johnson PDF File
How Cities Breathe: Ground-Referenced, Airborne Hyperspectral Imaging Precursor Measurements To Space-Based Monitoring - Ira Leifer PDF File
The Effects of Modified Disturbance and Climate Regimes on Plant Functional Groups in Southern California - Jennifer Hooper PDF File