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« July 2024 »


The HyspIRI mission will contribute to several science applications and the many benefits of the mission are highlighted in the societal relevance section of the NRC Decadal Survey. The HyspIRI Mission Study team is working closely with the NASA Applied Sciences program to maximize the benefits of the mission for applied sciences. The Applied Sciences Program focuses on economic, health, natural resources, and other themes to support both applied research and targeted, decision-support projects in 9 areas of national priority. Four of the nine areas are focus areas and HyspIRI contributes to all of these areas. They are: Disasters, Ecological Forecasting, Health and Air Quality and Water Resources. The examples below highlight how HyspIRI will contribute to some of these areas:

Applied Sciences Projects Reports

Alfieri Final Report - Evaluating the Impacts of Thermal Sensor Revisit Interval on Remote Estimates of Evapotranspiration at Field Scales (Alfieri et al, 2016)

Science Application Summaries


Water resources

Health and Air Quality

Science Application White Papers

Hyspiri Volcanoes

Public Health

Fire Behavior

Harmful Algal Blooms

Traceability Matrices

HyspIRI Application Traceability Matrix