2014 HyspIRI Science and Application Workshop |
NASA Decadal Survey Mission |
14 - 16 October 2014 |
Beckman Institute Auditorium (BIA) |
California Institute of Technology |
1200 E California Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91125.
Tuesday, 14 Oct 2014 |
8:00 AM |
Registration Opens |
8:40 AM |
Welcome and Objectives of HyspIRI Science Workshop - Woody Turner |
9:00 AM |
Review of the HyspIRI Comprehensive Report for NASA - Robert Green, Ernie Diaz and the HyspIRI team |
9:20 AM |
Status of the HyspIRI Mission Concept and Level 1 Requirements - Robert O. Green, Simon Hook and Elizabeth Middleton |
9:40 AM |
Small Sat VSWIR Study Results with 30m Spatial Sampling and 16 Day Revisit - Michael Mercury and Ernie Diaz |
10:00 AM |
Small Sat TIR Study Results with 5 day Revisit - William R. Johnson |
10:20 AM |
Break and Picture |
10:35 AM |
NASA Applied Science Program Update - Lawrence Friedl (TBC) |
10:50 AM |
Changes in non-photosynthetic vegetation cover and liquid water thickness during California's record drought - Philip Dennison, Austin Coates and Dar Roberts |
11:05 AM |
Species mapping using a phenologically inclusive multi-temporal spectral library - Kenneth Dudley, Philip Dennison, Dar Roberts and Keely Roth |
11:25 AM |
Exploring biodiversity through optical diversity - John Gamon and the Dimensions of Biodiversity team |
11:45 AM |
Observing and modeling plant functional diversity - Ryan Pavlick |
12:05 PM |
Lunch |
1:10 PM |
Summary of the 2014 HysPIRI Product Symposium at GSFC - Elizabeth Middleton |
1:30 PM |
HyspIRI-VSWIR type Level 2 processing: Investigations, Advances, Products - David R. Thompson, Bo-Cai Gao, Sarah Lundeen and Elyse Pennington |
1:50 PM |
Linking Seasonal Foliar Chemistry to VSWIR-TIR Spectroscopy Across California Ecosystems - Susan Meerdink |
2:10 PM |
HyspIRI-TIR, MASTER and HyTES LST&E Algorithms - Glynn Hulley |
2:30 PM |
Can HyspIRI-like thermophysical data be used for calibration/validation of SMAP surface soil moisture measurements? - Michael Ramsey and Stephen Scheidt |
2:50 PM |
Break |
3:10 PM |
COMEX Update - A validation/comparison campaign of imaging and non-imaging spectrometer to observe and quantify methane emissions with application to the HyspIRI and CarbonSat Satellites - Ira Leifer |
3:30 PM |
Retrieval of methane concentrations using the airborne imaging spectrometers AVIRIS and AVIRISng - Andrew Thorpe, Christian Frankenberg, Dar Roberts and Andrew Aubrey |
3:50 PM |
Real-time retrieval of Methane with AVIRIS-NG - David Thompson |
4:10 PM |
Snow and Ice Science with HyspIRI type measurements - Tom Painter and Alex Gardner |
4:25 PM |
Recent Activities of the HyspIRI Aquatic Studies Group (HASG) - Kevin R. Turpie, Ph.D. on behalf of the HASG |
4:45 PM |
How do optical properties from imaging spectroscopy data relate to structural attributes from LIDAR? - Margarita Huesca, Keely Roth, Mariano Garcia, Angeles Casas and Susan L. Ustin |
5:00 PM |
Close |
Wednesday, 15 Oct 2014 |
8:40 AM |
Overview of ECOSTRESS mission - Simon Hook |
9:00 AM |
ECOSTRESS Science Goals and Objectives - Joshua B. Fisher |
9:20 AM |
ECOSTRESS Coverage refernced to Landsat - Ernesto Diaz |
9:40 AM |
ECOSTRESS Level 1 and Level 2 Products - Glynn Hulley |
10:00 AM |
ECOSTRESS ET Algorithms - Overview - Pierre Guellivic |
10:20 AM |
Break |
10:40 AM |
ECOSTRESS PT-JPL Algorithm - Joshua Fisher |
11:00 AM |
ECOSTRESS ALEXI Algorithm - Martha Anderson |
11:20 AM |
ECOSTRESS METRIC Algorithm - David Allen |
11:40 AM |
ECOSTRESS L1 and L2 CalVal - Simon Hook |
12:00 PM |
ECOSTRESS L3 and L4 CalVal - Darren Drewry |
12:20 PM |
Lunch |
1:40 PM |
Poster Session |
3:00 PM |
Status and Plans of the HyspIRI Airborne Preparatory Campaign and Plan for 2015 - Ian McCubbin |
3:20 PM |
Mapping of land cover in Northern California with simulated HyspIRI images - Matthew L. Clark and Nina E. Kiham |
3:40 PM |
Integrated AVIRIS and MASTER analysis for surface composition determination and mapping - Meryl McDowell and Fred Kruse |
4:00 PM |
Hyperspectral analysis of an inactive open-pit sulfur mine for qualitative and quantitative geochemical features related to temporal changes in acid mine drainage - Gwen Davies |
4:20 PM |
4:40 PM |
Geologic Imaging Spectroscopy of the Mono Basin Region - Neil Pearson |
5:00 PM |
Mapping quantities of surface radiation budget from AVIRIS and MASTER data - Dongdong Wang |
5:20 PM |
Using HyspIRI preparatory data for rapid classification of hydrothermal alteration and lithology - Elizabeth Pace |
5:40 PM |
Plume Tracker Analyses of TIR Data from Recent Volcanic Eruptions in Iceland and Japan - V.J. Realmuto, A. Berk and C. Guiang |
6:00 PM |
Close |
7:00 PM |
Plume Tracer demonstration - Vince Realmuto |
Thursday, 16 Oct 2014 |
8:20 AM |
Hyperspectral Visible Derivative Spectroscopy for compositional analysis of CPAs in aquatic systems - Joseph Ortiz |
8:40 AM |
Remote monitoring of giant kelp biomass and photosynthetic condition: An evaluation of the potential for the Hyperspectral Infrared Imager (HyspIRI) mission - Tom Bell |
9:20 AM |
Application of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing to Cyanobacterial Blooms In Inland Waters - Raphael M. Kudela, Sherry L. Palacios, Daivd C. Austerberr, K. Accorsi Liane S. Guild and Juan Torres-Perez |
9:40 AM |
Status of the HyspIRI Special Issue of Remote Sensing of Enviornment - Eric Hochberg and Dar Roberts |
10:00 AM |
Break |
10:20 AM |
Linking Terrestrial Biosphere Models with Imaging Spectrometry Measurements of Ecosystem Composition - Paul R. Moorcroft, Alex Antonarakis, Stacy Bogan and Paige Kouba |
10:40 AM |
EcoSIS: The Ecosystem Spectral Information System - Phil Townsend and the EcoSIS Team |
11:00 AM |
Imaging Spectroscopy and Ecosystem Physiology - Phil Townsend, Shawn Serbin, Eric Kruger, Andrew Jablonski, Sean DuBois and Ankur Desai |
11:20 AM |
Data products and applications emerging from the NEON 2013 Airborne Campaign at Domain 17 in California - John Musinsky |
11:40 PM |
Flight Validation of Generation of OLI data products Onboard Earth Observing One: Status Update - Steve Chien, Jay Torres, Daniel Tran, David R. Thompson, Robert Green, Daniel Mandl, Elizabeth Middleton, Stephen Ungar, Lawrence Ong, Petya Campbell, Bruce Trout and Jerry Hengemihle |
12:00 PM |
Lunch |
1:20 PM |
Investigating the impact of spatially-explicit sub-pixel structural variation on the assessment of vegetation structure from imaging spectroscopy data: II. Simulation approach - Wei Yao and Jan Van Aardt |
1:40 PM |
AVIRIS and MASTER measurements of fire severity and intensity as HyspIRI precursors - Sander Veraverbeke |
2:00 PM |
Characterizing the Rim and King MegaFires with MASTER/AVIRIS and LIDAR - Natasha Stavros |
2:20 PM |
Characterization and Performance of the Prototype HyspIRI-TIR (PHyTIR) Sensor - William Johnson |
2:40 PM |
Break |
3:00 PM |
VSWIR-Dyson Imaging Spectreometer and an ISS option - Byron van Gorp, Pantazis Mouroulis and Robert Green |
3:20 PM |
Update on Intelligent Payload Module and Efficient Cloud Based Data Product Distribution Work - Daniel Mandl |
3:40 PM |
A MODTRAN Line-By-Line Option for Band Model Validation and High Resolution Prediction of Emission and Scattering - Alexander Berk |
4:00 PM |
HyTES Science Results - Glynn Hulley |
4:20 PM |
Real-time Airborne Demonstration of Fast Lossless Hyperspectral Data Compression System for AVIRIS-NG and PRISM - Didier Keymeulen, Nazeeh Aranki, Huy Luong, Charles Sarture, Michael Eastwood, Ian McCubbin, Alan Mazer, Matt Klimesh, Robert Green, David Dolman and Alireza Bakhshi |
4:40 PM |
A demonstration of real-time, model driven reflectance retrieval on AVIRIS-NG imagery - Brian D. Bue, David R. Thompson, Michael L. Eastwood, Didier Keymeulen, Bo-Cai Gao, Charles M. Sarture, Alan S. Mazer, Huy H. Luong and Robert O. Green |
5:00 PM |
Discussion: Status of HyspIRI Requirements and Inputs to the Next Decadal Survey and 2015 plans |
5:20 PM |
Close |
Wednesday 1:40 to 3:00 pm. Poster may be up during the full workshop |
MCScene Limb-Viewing Hyperspectral Image Simulation based on a Polygonal Earth Cross-Section (PEX) Model - Alexander Berk |
Hyperspectral application in agriculture and germplasm stratification - Chandrashekhar Biradar |
The Europa Short Wavelength Infrared Spectrometer (ESWIRS) - Retiring Risk in Radiation Mitigation and Planetary Protection - Morgan Cable |
Remote Sensing Observations at Multiple Scales to Define Ecosystem Form & Function - Lawrence Corp |
HyTES Spring 2014 Airborne Campaign - Bjorn Eng |
Infrastructure and Natural Resource Adaptation to Machine Space System (INRAMSS) - Sam Nwaneri |
Improving Atmospheric Correction For Visible/Short Wave Infrared (VSWIR) Imaging Spectrometers With Iterative Fitting Of Absorption By Three Phases Of Water - Elyse Pennington |
Assessing the Effectiveness of Simulated HyspIRI Data for Use in USDA Forest Service Post-Fire Vegetation Assessment and Decision Support - Ross Reahard, Timothy Sutherlin, Luke Wylie, Caitlin Ruby and Heather Nicholson |
Exploring Spectral and Functional Trait Variation at Leaf & Canopy Scales Across California Ecosystems -Keely Roth, Margarita Huesca, Angeles Casas, Mariano García, Spencer Mathews, Mimar Alsina-Martí, Michael Whiting and Susan Ustin |
Mapping coupled fluxes of carbon and water through multi-sensor data fusion - Mitchell Schull |
Using Hypersectral Remote Sensing Imagery and Spectral Mixture Analysis to Understand fire Effects in the 2013 Rim Fire in Yosemite, CA - Zachary Tane |
The COW-Gas (Cal pOly Winter Gas) Campaign: Continuous Mobile and Stantionary Methane Monitoring by In-Situ and Column Measurements at the Cal Poly Research Dairy - Sam Vigil, Ira Leifer, Elena Berman, Jeffery Hall, Laura Iraci, Brian Leen, Tryg Lundquist, Jun Qian, David Tratt and Emily Wilson |
Combined hyperspectral and field mapping along the 1999 Hector Mine earthquake surface rupture - Ryan Witkosky, Sinan Akciz, Kerry Buckland, Janet Harvey, Ken Hudnut, Katherine Kendrick, Dave Lynch, Kate Scharer, Frank Sousa, Joann Stock and David Tratt |
Investigating the impact of spatially-explicit sub-pixel structural variation on the assessment of vegetation structure from imaging spectroscopy data: II. Simulation approach - Wei Yao and Jan Van Aardt |
Near-Infra-Red Suppressed "Blue" Calibration Source - Michael Eastwood, Robert Green and Mark Helmlinger |
Hyperspectral Imaging System Development and Applications at NASA GRC - Larry Liou |
Exploring Spectral and Functional Trait Variation at Leaf & Canopy Scales Across California Ecosystem - Keely Roth |
Hyperspectral Microscopy for enhanced characterization of ground-truth spectral signatures - David Allen |
Comparative mineral mapping of alluvial fans and associated aeolian and lacustrine deposits around the Salton Sea, California using MICA: A new tool for rapid classification of HyspIRI VSWIR imagery - Bernard Hubbard, J. Mars, R. Kokaly, and D. Hooper |
How well would HyspIRI TIR resolve global patterns of volcanicm thermal unrest if it was flown on the ISS? - Robert Wright |
High-resolution remote sensing of water quality in the California Bay-Delta with the Portable Remote Imaging SpectroMeter (PRISM) - Cedric Fichot |
Self-Organization, Neighborhoods, and Possibilistic Classification - Paul Gader, Leila Kalantari and Ron Fick |
Nonlinear unmixing via linear mixtures of Hapke models - Rob Heylen, Mario Parente and Paul Gader |